The Faith Formation program is designed to teach our Catholic faith to school-aged children
who do not attend a Catholic school and prepare them for the sacraments of initiation.
Faith Formation Classes have started
Registration has closed for Sacramental Preparation Classes for 2024-2025
It is important for our families to participate at the Weekend Masses and to place envelopes in the offertory, even if empty.
Families must be Active Members for a child to be eligible to receive any Sacrament.
Active status must be maintained for families in the Sacramental Program.
If none of your children need sacramental preparation this year, request the form to register for Faith Formation from Diana Brito at or by phone: at (843) 974-3609. You may also come to the parish office and fill it out in person.
How do I know if my child should be in sacramental preparation?
Baptism: Baptism is traditionally received as babies. If, upon reaching age 3 or older, he or she has not received Baptism, the candidate must receive sacramental preparation to be baptized. The preparation consists of a year in Faith Formation.
First Communion: The First Communion is received when the child is in 2nd grade or older. The preparation is two years, so the child should start his/her preparation from the 1st grade. Preparation for First Communion in the Faith Formation program is offered through the 12th grade of high school.
Confirmation: Confirmation is received when the child is in 8th grade or older. The preparation is two years, so the child should start his/her preparation from 7th grade. Preparation for Confirmation in the Faith Formation program is offered through the 12th grade of high school.
Sacramental preparation of an adult (18 years of age or older), (be it Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation) is not offered in Faith Formation, but in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program. If that is you, please call the parish office for more information at (843) 556-0801.
For any questions about our Children's Faith Formation Program, please contact Diana at (843) 974-3609 or Email Diana